Honoured and Grateful!

wpid-versatile-blogger1Liebster Award

This blog is quite young and I have always been so touched to see people follow the blog – it means I really am getting to share my family recipes and my memories with people.  It also means getting to know other bloggers and discover new people around the world. One of the amazing fellow bloggers, Jamie at Whisked Away  is one of those people I am so honoured to have made a connection with. First, her blog is beautiful (you really should visit it) and second she has this amazing attitude and happiness.  I love her blog, so i was whisked away (sorry, I had to)  when she nominated me for these awards!

I am nominating a few more bloggers whose blogs I just love, and I hope that if you have made it to my page, you will visit theirs. Thank you to them and to Jamie.  You all keep me blogging and excited to share my cooking memories, and my family, with you. 🙂

The rules for the nomination are to answer the questions you have been given, nominate 10 other bloggers and give them their own set of questions to answer. I hope you get a chance to check out the blogs I have nominated, I think they’re pretty rad!

I am nominating:

1. Flour & Spice

2. Peeled Wellness

3. Food, Fellowship and Wine

4. What to Have for Dinner Tonight

5. A Spoonful of Nature

6. The Chunky Chef

7. Dinner Chez Nous

8. The Foodie Couple

9. Darla Cooks

10. Meta Mint

Here are your questions:

What inspired you to start a blog?

Do you have a favourite song to listen to when its just you?

Who in your family to you get inspiration from?

If you could move tomorrow, where would you live?

My favourite vegetable is…..

What made this past week special?

If someone described you, what word(s) would NEVER come up?

What food could you eat every day (just once a day) for the rest of your life?

Where were you when you wrote your first blog?

Who gave you the most useful piece of cooking advice, and what was the advice?

And here are the answers to mine:

What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?

I love to fish, I have been fishing since I was about three years old.

What is a memory you have from third grade?

Third grade was an exciting year for me.  I love baseball and I was at a baseball game and was hit with a line-drive, and ended up having 19 stitches.  I was out of school for a month, but the whole team signed a bat and a baseball for me, and the catcher and pitcher even came to visit and give me the bat. My mother made a photo album of it, even my recovery.  Weirdly, it’s a really happy memory for me because I have all these baseballs and bats and got to meet the players. I even got tickets to the starting game the next year. Its amazing how you look at things when you are young.

Do you play any musical instruments, if so, what?

I used to play the alto-claranet in middle school. I could probably still do hot-crossed buns, but not much else.

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame?

I have no idea?  Maybe. I was in the paper as a kid. But maybe the best is yet to come.

Have you ever met someone famous?

I have! So I have met a few, but the coolest one was Michael Cane and Roger Moore in one night. I used to work at an antiques gallery and we were part of a large summer exhibition that included a private viewing before it opened hosted by UNICEF. Roger Moore and Michael Cane both came to our booth to view a large silver carriage we were displaying.

I feel the most beautiful when I ___________

Dance! I always feel beautiful when I dance. Or maybe when I first wakeup because my husband always gives me this huge smile and I feel so beautiful.

What’s something you hope will never come back in style?

Making jello salads. I am sure they had a reason, but I can’t get myself to eat one.

What song reminds you of your high school years?


Did you graduate from college, if so, what was your degree?

I have a BA in Art History and a BA in Theatre.

If you could eat one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Macaroni and Cheese. I may die young, but I would never get sick of it 🙂

9 thoughts on “Honoured and Grateful!

  1. Oh my goodness, I feel unworthy of such kind and thoughtful words! Thank you so much, it really meant a lot. I have enjoyed your blog and am looking forward to getting to know you better, just from your answers I have a feeling we would be good friends in real life! I loved reading all of your answers, especially your third grade memory, and that you feel beautiful in the morning because your husband smiles at you, and just the name “tubthumping” is making me laugh, I’m going to have to find that on youtube! Looking forward to checking out the new blogs you recommended as well! Thanks again! xx Jamie


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